Rocket Stove for cooking (DIY)

Rocket Stove for cooking (DIY)

A rocket stove is an efficient and hot burning portable stove using small diameter wood fuel. Fuel is burned in a simple combustion chamber containing an insulated vertical chimney, which ensures almost complete combustion prior to the flames' reaching the cooking surface. It uses the same principle as the Dakota fire pit. Rocket stove designs are most often used for portable stoves for cooking but the design is also used to make rocket mass heaters for heating


By NokoBunva - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
101 By NokoBunva - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Like the Beverage-can stove it is made from found materials, but generally uses wood rather than alcohol.

By khym54 -, CC BY 2.0,
102 By khym54 -, CC BY 2.0,

« Rocket-Stove-Envirofit-G3300 » par Cschirp — Travail personnel. Sous licence CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
« Rocket-Stove-Envirofit-G3300 » par Cschirp — Travail personnel. Sous licence CC BY-SA 3.0
By A2012g - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
By A2012g - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

 Ziggy Liloia
202 Ziggy Liloia

By 田舎暮らし大好き人間 - 投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 4.0,
By 田舎暮らし大好き人間 - 投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 4.0,

Irene Kightley
201 Irene Kightley


Homemade STEEL CAN Rocket Stove! -

The "BIG CAN" Rocket Stove! - Awesome Stove! - Easy DIY

How To Make a Rocket Stove

How To Make A DIY Concrete Rocket Stove

In field tests in India, rocket stoves used 18 to 35 per cent less fuel compared to the traditional stoves and reduced fuel used 39-47 per cent compared to the three stone fire, as well as a large reduction in emissions

Par Muundahweed (Travail personnel) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Par Muundahweed (Travail personnel) [CC BY-SA 3.0


Make a $4 emergency biomass stove from concrete blocks

A precursor of the rocket stove was the Argand lamp. The idea has been commercialized as the Kelly Kettle and the InStove.

Building a primitive clay rocket stove - Consrtuction d'un rocket stove en argile

Hand crafted All clay 0$ Clay Rocket Stove (better version)

Building a Simple Cob Rocket Stove (TCEG Episode 8)