Hydroponic Garden
How to set up an Ebb and Flow / Flood and Drain Hydroponics Growing System - PART 1 of 6
Here we set up a Flo n' Gro 12 pot modular flood and drain hydroponics system (manufactured by Titan Controls) on our outdoor terrace. We're growing Yolo Wonder sweet peppers in Gold Label Hydrocorn and General Hydroponics Flora Series nutrients.
Cheap DIY Bato/Dutch Bucket Hydroponic System
This is my first video of my dutch bucket hydroponic system. Hope you guys like it please feel free to comment and provide and ideas on how to make this system better.
Shout outs to
Multiflow hydroponic system setup
David from Hightlight Horticulture shows and explains how to set up a Multiflow hydroponic system. Part 1 of 2.
Dutch Bucket Hydroponic Tomatoes - Lessons Learned and a New Crop
It's time to start a new crop of hydroponic tomatoes in the dutch buckets. But first, I need to look back at what was learned from the last crop. I noticed a bit of algae in the bottom of the
buckets, so I now have them covered with black plastic. The paint strainers are fine to use again. The perlite is being re-used and is showing no signs of problems.
I give tips about where to get buckets and the grommets, and show my newest system. All together, I have 40 tomatoes going in 3 different systems, and working just great. If you have
questions about what fertilizer I use, all of the answers are in the following video : http://youtu.be/vYv9iu2NI3M Dutch bucket hydroponics is not the least bit complicated. So if you're struggling with growing
tomatoes, don't have a garden, or just don't have much time, give it a try. I think you'll like the results.
Dutch Bucket Hydroponics - Tips & Expanding the Reservoir
In my current Dutch Bucket setup, I'm using 27 gallon reservoirs. They are matched up with 18-20 plants, not a very good ratio. So I'm having to constantly add water, about 10 gallons each
day. I really need a larger reservoir. What I have done is add a 55 gallon plastic drum, connected by plastic tubing, and then hooked to a float valve in the reservoir. What this does is
triple my overall capacity, thus enabling me to now put the system on a timer and spend my time doing other things.
Also in this video I talk about using pump filters, using buckets without lids, my results with open-pollinated Big Beef, and some surprising things about Cherokee Purple tomatoes.
My FB page: https://www.facebook.com/mhp.gardener
Self-Sustaining, Economic, Hydroponic Garden
Materials List and Costs:
3 x 55 gallon plastic Drums ($17-$30): $51-$90
1 x 50 gallon plastic tub from Walmart ($15.00): $15.00
3 x 3/4 PVC Pipe ($3): $9
9 x 3/4 90 deg angle ($0.50): $4.50
10 x 3/4-3/4-3/4 T ($0.65): $6.50
1 x tube of caulk: $2.50
1 x 1/2-3/4 thread hose adapter ($1.50): $1.50
1 x 3/4 thread to 3/4 PVC adapter ($0.65): $0.65
1 x 3ft of 1/2" inner diameter clear hose ($1.00/ft): $3.00
1 x ECO185 Submersible pump with 1/2" hose adapter: $16 on amazon.com
1 x Deep Cycle Marine Battery: $40
1 x 200 watt inverter: $20-$25
1 x 68watt solar panel: $100 (now you can find 70 watt panels for less)
1 x Jack's water soluble plant food: $25
3 x 2x6's: $12 (mine were left over from a project)
1 cubic yard of river gravel: $34
My total Cost of Garden, including solar equipment: $328.65
Total Cost of Garden Build only: $168.85
Aquaponics System Design - Tips and Tricks
Designing a new aquaponics system? Have a system already and want to make some improvements? In this video I discuss some of the things I have learned so far with my system and the changes I
wish I would have made. Water filtration, grow media choices, sump tank placement, and what fish to use I cover a few of the things I may be changing in the future and some things I wish I
would have done differently.
If you are interested in my sustainable projects and information please visit www.simplesuburbanliving.com
To check out more of the products I use in this system check out the Simple Suburban Living General Store -
I have tried to add anything that we use here so it is easy for people to find. Thanks!
HD Barrel Aquaponics - mid-March update, rain lowered my ph - organic
Spring is almost here and I wanted to give you guys an update before the real growing starts.
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Global connect
Day connect
tag cloud : bambou bamboo bambu bambuseae poaceae fargesia phyllostachys graminacée graminée chaume turion rhizome pachymorphe leptomorphe cespiteux traçant racine adventive stalk stubble rhizome pachymorphe leptomorphe cespiteux plotting adventitious root grass
rocketstove rocket stove poêle fusée poêle dragon poêle de masse pellet Oligostachyum Fargesia Drepanostachyum Chimonobambusa Brachystachyum Borinda Ochlandra Olmeca Otatea Oxytenanthera Phyllostachys Pleioblastus Semiarundinaria Chusquea Pseudosasa Rhipidocladum Sasa Shibataea Thamnocalamus Yushania
Espèces incluses GRIN, 2014 P. angusta, P. arcana, P. aurea, P. aureosulcata, P. bambusoides, P. bissetii, P. dulcis, P. edulis, P. elegans, P. flexuosa, P. glauca, P. heteroclada, P. humilis, P. incarnata, P. iridescens, P. kwangsiensis, P. makinoi, P. mannii, P. meyeri, P. nana, P. nidularia, P. nigra, P. nuda, P. parvifolia, P. platyglossa, P. prominens, P. propinqua, P. purpurata, P. rubromarginata, P. sulphurea, P. violascens, P. viridiglaucescens, P. vivax, P. yunhoensis
Espèces incluses Kew Gardens World Checklist 2014 P. acuta, P. angusta, P. arcana, P. atrovaginata, P. aurea, P. aureosulcata, P. bissetii, P. carnea, P. circumpilis, P. dulcis, P. edulis, P. elegans, P. fimbriligula, P. flexuosa, P. glabrata, P. glauca, P. guizhouensis, P. heteroclada, P. incarnata, P. iridescens, P. kwangsiensis, P. lofushanensis, P. makinoi, P. mannii, P. meyeri, P. nidularia, P. nigella, P. nigra, P. nuda, P. parvifolia, P. platyglossa, P. prominens, P. propinqua, P. reticulata, P. rivalis, P. robustiramea, P. rubicunda, P. rubromarginata, P. rutila, P. shuchengensis, P. stimulosa, P. sulphurea, P. tianmuensis, P. varioauriculata, P. veitchiana, P. verrucosa, P. violascens, P. virella, P. viridiglaucescens, P. vivax, P. yunhoensis
Espèces incluses The Plant List 2014 P. acuta, P. angusta, P. arcana, P. atrovaginata, P. aurea, P. aureosulcata, P. bambusoides, P. bissetii, P. carnea, P. circumpilis, P. dulcis, P. edulis, P. elegans, P. fimbriligula, P. flexuosa, P. glabrata, P. glauca, P. guizhouensis, P. heteroclada, P. incarnata, P. iridescens, P. kwangsiensis, P. lofushanensis, P. makinoi, P. mannii, P. meyeri, P. nidularia, P. nigella, P. nigra, P. nuda, P. parvifolia, P. platyglossa, P. prominens, P. propinqua, P. rivalis, P. robustiramea, P. rubicunda, P. rubromarginata, P. rutila, P. shuchengensis, P. stimulosa, P. sulphurea, P. tianmuensis, P. varioauriculata, P. veitchiana, P. verrucosa, P. violascens, P. virella, P. viridiglaucescens, P. vivax, P. yunhoensis
Espèces incluses Tropicos 2014 P. acuta, P. altiligulata, P. angusta, P. arcana, P. aristata, P. assamica, P. atrovaginata, P. aurata, P. aurea, P. aureosulcata, P. aurita, P. bambusoides, P. bawa, P. bissetii, P. boryana, P. breviligula, P. cantoniensis, P. carnea, P. castillonis, P. cerata, P. chlorina, P. circumpilis, P. compressus, P. concava, P. congesta, P. decora, P. dubia, P. dulcis, P. edulis, P. elegans, P. erecta, P. faberi, P. fastuosa, P. fauriei, P. filifera, P. fimbriligula, P. flexuosa, P. formosana, P. fulva, P. glabrata, P. glauca, P. guizhouensis, P. helva, P. henonis, P. henryi, P. heteroclada, P. heterocycla, P. heterotricha, P. hispida, P. incarnata, P. iridescens, P. kumasaca, P. kwangsiensis, P. laevifolia, P. lithophila, P. lofushanensis, P. makinoi, P. mannii, P. marliacea, P. marmorea, P. maudiae, P. mazelii, P. megastachya, P. meyeri, P. mitis, P. montana, P. nana, P. nevinii, P. nidularia, P. nigella, P. nigra, P. nigripes, P. nigrivagina, P. nigro-punctata, P. nuda, P. parvifolia, P. pekinensis, P. pierreana, P. pinyanensis, P. platyglossa, P. praecox, P. primotina, P. prominens, P. propinqua, P. puberula, P. pubescens, P. pumilus, P. purpurata, P. purpureomaculata, P. quadrangularis, P. quilioi, P. quizhouensis, P. reticulata, P. retusa, P. rigida, P. rivalis, P. robustiramea, P. rubicunda, P. rubromarginata, P. ruscifolia, P. rutila, P. sapida, P. sedan, P. shuchengensis, P. simonsonii, P. stauntonii, P. stimulosa, P. striata, P. subulata, P. sulphurea, P. tianmuensis, P. tranquillans, P. tubaeformiis, P. varioauriculata, P. veitchiana, P. verrucosa, P. villosa, P. violascens, P. virella, P. viridiglaucescens, P. viridis, P. vivax, P. yunhoensis